Nirvana Breath | Power of the Present | Pranayama
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Nirvana Pranayama

In Sanskrit Nirvana means "blowing out". It often refers to leaving worldly attachments behind. Quite often when performing this the practitioner visualizes toxins leaving the body. At other times the practitioner reflects upon a worldly desire and visualizes it being blown from their consciousness.


There are many different ways to blow the air out of your lungs just as there are many ways to whistle. You can blow the air with the cheeks filled or keep the cheeks deflated. You can also blown the air out like you are giving a kiss.


It is the primary breathing control given by health care professionals for breathing problems, such as asthma and respiratory diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

It lengthens the breath and delivers more oxygen to the body when performed. It also strengthens the diaphragm.



How to Practice Nirvana Pranayama

Breathe in through the nostrils. Breathe deeply but be careful not to over breath as this will strain the heart.  When you feel a little resistance stop. Slowly exhale out through the mouth with your lips pursed. Be careful not to force anything, as you exhale apply steady pressure, slowly pulling the navel back towards the spine.


Experiment with different lip positions.


Don't Force Anything! It is in our nature to try and perfect things, so when you first begin a pranayama practice you may feel the urge to try and perfect it right away. If we approach pranayama in this way it can lead to injury, so it's important to approach each practice with an idea of using the least amount of energy possible. If a noise is too loud, this shows that there is an excessive inner struggle going on. It requires the use of various muscles for exhaling, and for controlling the breath to make the sound. When practicing, it is important to use the muscles gently, so that the internal energy flow is gentle so that stress isn't created 

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